Nicholas Schnell
Founder, Owner, Clinical Director
Clinical Herbalist, RH, Nutritionist, RD, LMNT
“Embodying the traditional healer in a modern, successful clinical practice”
Education & Credentials
University of Nebraska at Omaha - Bachelor of Arts (BA) Psychology
Registered Dietitian (RD)
Licensed Medical Nutrition Therapist (LMNT)
State of Nebraska Clinical Herbalist (CH)
Registered Herbalist (RH)
Professional Member of the American Herbalists Guild (AHG)
University of Nebraska Program in Dietetics/Nutrition (2 years)
Texas State University Clinical Dietetics Supervised Practice/Internship & Graduate School (1 year)
East West School of Herbology Professional Herbalist Program (3 years) – Santa Cruz, California
I specialize in difficult and complicated cases. These are people who have chronic diseases, are medical mysteries, and people who have been to all types of medical specialist and healers. I am very skilled in working with sensitive types and people who have reactive constitutions. I have been working with herbs since the age of 12 and have studied herbs every day of my life. I expect results and positive dynamic changes in every single person who sees me.
Job Positions and Professional Memberships
Founder, Clinic Director & Clinical Herbalist - Four Winds Natural Healing Center and Herb Dispensary
Co-Owner, Founder, Herbal Quality Assurance Director, Formulator – Prairie Star Botanicals Inc.
Past Founder & Faculty - Four Winds Center for Herbal Studies Faculty
Founder & Faculty - Prairie Star Center for Herbal Studies
Faculty - Ancient Wisdom College of Healing Arts
Faculty - Universal College of Healing Arts
Clinical Preceptor - Creighton University Medical Center’s Class on Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Medical Students
Past Graduate Assistant Nutrition - Texas State University
Past Apprenticeships & Mentorships
Blue Earth Medicine Lodge Apprenticeship (4 Years) – Pete Medicine Eagle (PEJUTA WAMBLI)
T’ien Tao Lineage of Classical Chinese Medicine & Tai Chi Apprenticeship (9 Years) – Thih Shih Peterson
Herbal Medicine Mentorship (400 + hours) – Dr. Michael Tierra, OMD, ND, AHG
Clinical Alternative Medicine Mentorship (2 Years) – Dr. Alexander Thermos, DO
Wu Dang Hun Yun (Primordial) Chi Kung & Yang Sheng Chi Kung Instructor Certification – Wu Dang Master Yun Xiang Tseng
Current Apprenticeships & Mentorships
Dr. Chi Ju Chen, Doctor of Oriental Medicine (Guangzhou, China) – Past professor of Herbal Medicine at Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, over 40 years of clinical practice. Areas of study include herbal medicine, pulse diagnosis skills and clinical internship.
Gui Yi with Wu Dang Master Yun Xiang Tseng – 16 Generation Zhang San Feng Lineage, 25 Generation Quan Zhen/Longmen Generation Lineage. Areas of study include tai chi, chi kung, meditation, Classical Chinese Medicine, Taoist Medicine, etc.
Advisory Positions & Board Memberships
Heartland Healing Magazine Advisory Board
American Herbalist Guild – National Council Member – (2010 to 2012)
American Herbalist Guild – Past Professionalism Committee Chair (2010 to 2012)
The Complete Guide to Cleansing & Detox published by Author House
Nicholas has many articles on herbal medicine published in a variety of journals and magazines including the Texas Department of Health & Heartland Healing.
A Western Materia Medica (DVD) by HerbTV
“Case Study: Herbal Treatment of Recurrent Colon Polyps in a Colon Cancer Patient”, Journal of the American Herbalists Guild, Vol 11, Num 1, Winter 2012.
Four Winds Natural Healing Center was a featured national clinic in the Journal of the American Herbalists Guild
Herbal Medicine Manual - Prairie Star Center for Herbal Studies (Self Published)
Family History
Dr. Samuel Day – My great-great-great-great-great grandpa was one of first “Root Doctors” and herbalist to practice in Ohio. He studied with local Native American elders. He was also part of the early Eclectic Herbal Medical movement in the Ohio area.
My great-great-great-great grandpa was a graduate of the Eclectic Medical Institute in Cincinnati (the preeminent herbal medicine school in US history) and the Homeopathic College of Cleveland. He was an Eclectic (Herbal Medicine) Doctor and Homeopathic Doctor.
My relative was Joseph “Mormon Joe” Malcom, a famous mountain man, survivalist, friend of many Native tribes and guide to those traveling westward into new territories.